Research Reports

Saudi Arabia Capital Market 2021

January 11 , 2021

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Executive Summary

The Saudi Arabia Capital Market is the largest in GCC. It constitutes 81.5% of the market capitalization and 87.9% of the region's traded value. The number of financial services firms in the KSA has increased since 2006 in the aftermath of the Tadawul stock market crash and institution of capital market reforms.
KSA Capital markets are dominated by the larger players. In Asset management, the top 10 firms with the largest assets under management (AUM) had a total market share of over 80%. Investment Banking (IB) in KSA made big strides in 2019 with the top 10 firms reporting a total of SAR 643 million of revenues from IB, representing a 50.6% increase from 2018.

Out of 31 brokers in Saudi Arabia, the top 10 commands about 78% of the market share in value traded. The majority of the brokers witnessed a decrease in revenues in 2019. However, 2020 is expected to see increase in brokerage revenues as trading volumes in the Tadawul stock exchange was more than twice that of 2019.

Research services are also provided by Saudi financial firms mostly on a complimentary basis to aid investors' decision making and increase the wallet share of trading. Most firms also have a social media presence, but the activity level varies across organizations. Twitter is the most preferred social media platform. They use the platform to popularize their products/service offerings and provide market updates regularly.

Key Highlights

  • Out of the 56 Saudi financial firms analyzed in the report, twenty three (or 41% of the total) firms offer asset management, investment banking, and brokerage services. Most of them are subsidiaries of banks or financial institutions. Nine offer only investment management services, while three are pure-play asset management firms. None of the firms operate as a pure-play broker.
  • The top 10 financial firms in Saudi Arabia reported total revenues of SAR 4.3 billion (USD 1.1 billion) in 2019. The year 2019 was an excellent one for the top 10 firms with only one among them reporting a decrease in overall revenues from 2018.
  • In Asset management, the top 10 firms had a total market share of over 80%. The list is dominated by firms that are backed by commercial banks. In all, 42 out of the 56 firms offer asset management services.
  • Investment Banking (IB) in KSA made big strides in 2019 with the top 10 firms reporting a total of SAR 643 million of revenues from IB, representing a 50.6% increase from 2018. Foreign banks like HSBC, J.P.Morgan, and Citigroup are quite active in Investment banking in Saudi Arabia.
  • Out of 31 brokers in Saudi Arabia, the top 10 commands about 78% of the market share in value traded. The majority of the brokers witnessed a decrease in revenues in 2019. However, 2020 is expected to see increase in brokerage revenues as trading volumes in the Tadawul stock exchange was more than twice that of 2019.
  • Research services are mostly provided for free to aid investors' decision making and increase the wallet share of trading. Among social media, twitter is the most popular medium to popularize products/service offerings and provide regular market updates.

Did you know that?

  • Saudi Asset managers together managed SAR 500 billion in assets in 2019 and NCB Capital is the market leader managing SAR 159 billion?
  • HSBC Saudi Arabia is the leading foreign financial services firm in the KSA by revenue which they grew by 53% in 2019?
  • Jadwa Investment increased its revenue from Investment banking and advisory services by 7 times in 2019?
  • Samba Capital derived 34% of its total revenues from Investment banking and advisory services in 2019 while NCB capital derived 64% of its 2019 revenues from asset management?

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to Saudi Capital Market Ecosystem
  2. Revenue and Profitability Analysis
  3. Market Leaders in Asset Management
  4. Market leaders in Investment Banking
  5. Brokerage Market share Analysis
  6. Research services analysis
  7. Social Media Presence
  8. Way forward

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