Research Reports

FinTech - Future of Financial Services

October 15 , 2019

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Executive Summary

Fintech is transforming financial services. Ranging from payments systems to insurance services, Fintech is revolutionizing global finance. Among its many promises, Fintech is a hope towards greater financial inclusion. The applications of Fintech are emerging across many facets of finance -retail and wholesale payments, investment management, insurance, credit provision and equity capital raising.

The future of banking will increasingly depend on shaping new customer relationship models. Fintech entities are likely to increasingly own the relationship dynamics at the front end, which will force banks to use customer data as a tool of competitive advantage.

Table of Contents

  • Study Scope and Objectives
  • Introduction
  • Comparison of systems applied in Local banks With International practices
  • Reasons that led to the use of FinTech and Assessing the Related Risks and Benefits
  • Comparison between Formal Financial Services and Tech-driven Innovations
  • The Role of Regional and International Regulators and their Tools
  • Envisioning Future Developments in terms of Regulatory Interventions
  • The Growing Influence of RegTech
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations

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