GCC Crises

July 30, 2021
Souk Al-Manakh Crisis
    1. A slice of history
    2. Government intervention and Souk Al-Manakh
    3. Futures trading triggers the crisis
    4. Bubble burst
    5. Government response
    6. Response through stock market reform
July 30, 2021
Global Financial Crisis, 2008
    1. Credit default swaps
    2. America’s regulatory failure
    3. Impact on GCC economy
    4. Impact on stock market
    5. Impact on corporates
    6. n6: Impact on real estate
    7. How the GCC fought back
July 30, 2021
Dubai Real Estate Meltdown, 2009
    1. A tale of two reasons
    2. They ignored the tell-tale signs
    3. Dubai -world’s debt standstill announcement
    4. Aftermath of Dubai real estate bubble burst
    5. Could they have done something?
    6. Impact on real estate
July 30, 2021
Al-Gosaibi: A Debt Default that Rocked the Middle East
    1. The allegation
    2. More about the warring groups
    3. TIBC: what went wrong
    4. Stitching a settlement
    5. Post script
    6. Key-event timeline
July 30, 2021
Riding on Oil, Slipping on Oil
    1. Shrinking demand
    2. Increased supply
    3. The four crises
    4. What was the impact on the market?
    5. This is what happened
July 30, 2021
The Diplomatic Standoff: Qatar
    1. Broader economy
    2. Trade exposure
    3. FDI, currency, and rating
    4. Capital market impact
    5. Conclusion