Research Reports

UAE Telecom

July 19 , 2017

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Executive Summary

What is this report about?
UAE telecom report focuses on the current state of the telecom industry in UAE, its growth drivers, challenges and the financial performance of its players. UAE's telecom infrastructure is one of the most developed in the region and has the ability to cope with new services and technologies as they are introduced in the market. UAE's population with a majority of expatriates and restriction on VOIP services remains a lucrative market for telecom players in the country. We look into detail about the country's telecom infrastructure, the internet services, MVNOs, ARPU erosion and also about the telecom operators' cross-border acquisition.

Who will benefit and why?
The report will benefit anyone tracking the GCC telecom industry, asset management companies, portfolio management companies, investment bankers and policy makers. This report would help these entities to gain in-depth understanding about the industry.

How exhaustive is this report?
We have analyzed the UAE's telecom sector in detail including areas such as investments taking place in the UAE telecom space, the business model, current and upcoming projects aimed at improving infrastructure projects, the vision 2021 program and the role of telecom. We have also covered the government initiatives that are to be delivered using the telecom network. We have compared UAE and GCC on basis of various telecom parameters such as the network readiness index, internet costs, penetration levels etc.


Key Questions Addressed

  • What is the internet penetration rate in the UAE?
  • What is the mobile subscription growth trend in the UAE?
  • Explore in depth the telecom business model in the UAE
  • What are the recent trends and changes in the UAE telecom market?
  • What are the current and future network infrastructure projects in the country?
  • How does UAE fare compared to the GCC?

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • UAE investing heavily in the Telecom sector
  • UAE telecom indicators one of the best globally
  • Youth demographic and government investment driving telecom growth
  • TRA has improved UAE Telecom infrastructure
  • Average Revenue per User declining gradually
  • UAE's Vision 2021 seeks to improve eGovernance
  • UAE outperforms GCC peers in most indicators

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