Research Reports

Saudi Telecom Sector

July 20 , 2017

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Executive Summary

What is this report about?

Saudi Arabia represents the largest market for Telecom sector in the Middle East in terms of capital and volume of spending, representing half the market share of GCC. With a population of 31million, and a USD 1.6trillion economy, the telecom market maintained a USD 19bn revenue in 2016. Fixed-line, inteet and mobile communication market is shifting from govement monopoly to private, especially with the introduction of MVNOs in the market. The voice market has achieved maturity with high mobile penetration, while the data segment is witnessing growth, driven by young, tech-craving demography. The report provides a detailed analysis of Saudis Telecom sector.

Who will benefit and why?

The report will benefit anyone tracking the Saudi Telecom sector, and its many players; especially regulators and govement agencies, investment bankers, SMEs, investors, economists and academicians. This report would help these entities to gain an in-depth understanding about the sector.

How exhaustive is this report?

We have analyzed the telecom market in Saudi Arabia, its growth in the last decade and how the telecom indicators have improved year-on-year. The report also examines the changes in the telecom business model, both globally and in Saudi Arabia, and how the telecom players in Saudi are combatting the fall the ARPU. We have also discussed the key players in the sector, and their financial performance in the last half decade, and also provided a comparison of the Saudi telecom sector to its peers in the GCC. Finally, we enumerate the investment opportunities, regulatory environment and the role govement plays in the development of the Saudi Telecom sector.

Key Questions Addressed

  • What is the size and growth of Saudi Telecom sector in the last decade?
  • What are the trends in the major telecom indicators?
  • How has the Saudi telecom business evolved in the last decade?
  • Have the introduction of MVNOs been a successful experiment?
  • How are Saudi Telecom players combating the fall in ARPU?
  • Who are the key players in Saudi Telecom Industry, and how have they performed in the last half decade?
  • How does the Saudi telecom industry compare with its peers in the GCC?
  • What are the upcoming investment opportunities in the Saudi Telecom sector?
  • What role does the govement play in the development of theSaudi Telecom sector?

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Saudi Telecommunications Sector
  • Telecom Infrastructure & Access Indicators
  • Telecom Business Model
  • Start-up Ecosystem
  • Regulatory Environment
  • Key Players
  • KSA & GCC Comparison
  • Investment Opportunities
  • Role of Government in Telecom Sector Development

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