Research Reports

Saudi Insurance

January 04 , 2017

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Executive Summary

What is this report about?
In this report we give a detailed analysis of the Saudi Arabia insurance sector. We have discussed the overall industry structure, its market size and the current status of the industry. We have also presented the segment wise analysis of including -health insurance, motor insurance, property insurance, housing insurance, marine insurance etc. Saudi Arabia with its large and affluent population serves as an ideal market for insurance companies to be in and in this report we have analyzed in depth the various factors such as Mandatory insurance, increasing awareness, demand for Islamic insurance etc.

Who will benefit and why?
The report will benefit anyone tracking the Saudi insurance industry, and its many players; especially banks, consultants, regulators and government agencies, investment bankers and economists. This report would help these entities to gain in-depth understanding about the industry.

How exhaustive is this report?
We have analyzed key areas of insurance industry in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has got too many insurance players that is looking to tap the same market which results in a skewed market share and the effect that it has on the competitive landscape. We have also covered the regulatory aspect relating to insurance, the current model of insurance being carried on Saudi Arabia, the emerging trends including the distribution channels, enterprise risk management and automation of the underwriting process. We have also covered the challenges that the Saudi Arabian insurance industry is facing including the over reliance on expatriates, increasing competition and end the report with the competitive landscape of the region.

Also Read: "GCC Insurance Industry Report"

Key Questions Addressed

  • What is the current status of Saud Insurance industry?
  • What are some new/ merging trends in Saudi insurance?
  • Regulatory scenario in the country
  • What are the key growth drivers?
  • What are the primary challenges? What is being done to overcome them?

Table of Contents

  • Executive Summary
  • Industry Overview
  • Saudi Industry Analysis
  • Growth Drivers
  • Regulatory Framework
  • Emerging Trends
  • Challenges
  • Major Market Players
  • Glossary

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