Research Reports

Metals and Mining

July 06 , 2014

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Executive Summary

Earlier, the metals and mining sector in the MENA region was predominantly constricted to countries outside the GCC community, with players such as Iran, Algeria and Egypt producing metals such as Copper, Aluminium and Lead, in both upstream and downstream sectors. However, in the 1970s Bahrain embarked on diversifying away from its oil sector as its oil resources started depleting. Bahrain was the first GCC country to embark on the GCC metals and mining industry through Aluminium Bahrain. The United Arab Emirates followed in 1979 with Dubai Aluminium Company. Oman, Qatar and recently KSA through Ma'aden have entered the GCC metals and mining market.

 In this report we have provided several details for GCC metals and mining sector and also for MENA region as whole which include world production and capacity figures for different metals, top aluminium producers in GCC, selected MENA steel projects of 2012, steel demand and production and trend in prices for steel, aluminium and copper. The section on GCC country discussion includes details on total investments, production and consumption of crude steel & natural gas, major GCC metals and mining companies & projects, base metal production and plant list information.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • The GCC Story
  • Country Discussion
  • Key Learning Outcome
  • Appendix 1: Aluminum Industry
  • Appendix 2: On-Going Projects
  • Appendix 3: Steel

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