Technological advancements exert immense influence on the consumption patterns across different sectors globally. This influence of technology on consumer behaviour got exacerbated in the last couple of years, due to restrictions posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the government restrictions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic got the global population to get used to working from home, inherently the consumption of services and leisure activities also got confined to home, which made the rigid consumption behaviour change rapidly.
The online food delivery sector got a major boost with this transition. Global food delivery sector blossomed in 2020, and middle east region was no different. Within the middle east region, food delivery sector in Saudi Arabia posted the highest growth rate of 173% in 2020 relative to 2019, other countries in the region also posted double digit growth rate in the same period, with Kuwait’s food delivery sector revenue increasing by 43% in the same period. While some trends are temporary, some tend to cause a change in the consumer pattern.