Research Reports

Global & GCC Capital Markets Review: October 2021

November 03 , 2021

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Executive Summary

A monthly publication that covers the performance of GCC and global stock markets, provides economic commentary and captures key happenings in GCC.

Key Trends

  • All GCC markets gained for the month, with S&P GCC Composite Index gaining 2.3%.
  • Inflation in Kuwait is among the highest across GCC countries, primarily driven by soaring prices of food items.
  • Oil prices rose by 7.5% in October, supported by expectation of higher natural gas prices encouraging a switch to oil.

Table of Content

  • GCC Asset Class Monthly Performance
  • Global Asset Class Monthly Performance
  • What moved the markets?
  • Equities -Kuwait
  • Equities -GCC Markets
  • Equities -Developed Markets
  • Equities -Emerging Markets
  • Fixed Income -GCC Markets
  • Fixed Income -Developed Markets
  • Oil & Gas
  • ESG Stocks & Debt
  • Cryptocurrencies


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