Research Reports

Global & GCC Capital Markets Review: January 2022

February 03 , 2022

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Executive Summary

A monthly publication that covers the performance of GCC and global Capital markets (Equity & Fixed Income)

Key Trends

  • GCC stock markets continued their good run in January 2022. S&P GCC composite index ended the month 7.0% higher.
  • Kuwait index gained 4.4% in January 2022. Technology sector topped the Boursa Kuwait Indices with 10.6% returns.
  • MSCI world was down 5.3% for the month, lowest since March 2020 and S&P 500 was down 5.3% witnessing volatility in US stocks with beaten down technology stocks.
  • Brent crude had 17% returns and Natural Gas had 30.7% returns in January 2022

Table of Content

  • GCC Asset Class Monthly Performance
  • Global Asset Class Monthly Performance
  • Equities - Kuwait
  • Equities - GCC & Emerging Markets
  • Equities - Developed Markets
  • Fixed Income - GCC & Developed Markets
  • Oil Market
  • Cryptocurrencies


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