Research Reports

Global & GCC Capital Markets Review: March 2022

April 05 , 2022

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Executive Summary

A monthly publication that covers the performance of GCC and global Capital markets (Equity & Fixed Income)

Key Trends

  • Elevated oil price has boosted the performance of Gulf stocks.
  • Kuwait's all share index gained 6.7% in the month of March, supported by a rise in oil prices.
  • Central Bank of Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Bahrain have raised their main interest rates by 25 bps in March, subsequent to the interest rate hike by the U.S. Federal Reserve.
  • Oil prices were up 6.9% in March crossing $120/b 2022 due to supply tightness.

Table of Content

  • GCC Asset Class Monthly Performance
  • Global Asset Class Monthly Performance
  • Equities - Kuwait
  • Equities - GCC & Emerging Markets
  • Equities - Developed Markets
  • Fixed Income - GCC & Developed Markets
  • Oil Market
  • Cryptocurrencies


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