Research Reports

GCC Family Business

October 20 , 2022

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Executive Summary

Family businesses have existed for centuries from the time man started to trade and has evolved over periods helping people to build a livelihood by providing services. In the current scenario, family businesses are the crux of revenue generation for the world. There are estimates of about 70-90 % of the world’s GDP being contributed by family businesses. Even new businesses are fueled by family involvement with 85% of start-ups worldwide being setup with family money. The reason for family businesses having a massive share can be associated with having their core group as members of the same family, which brings in a sense of trust, loyalty and stable leadership.

Key Discussion Points

  • GCC Insight
  • Number of GCC Countries in the top 100 Arab family businesses (2022)
  • Major Trends for GCC Family Businesses and Stakeholders
  • Top 3 Family Businesses in the GCC (region wise)

Did you know?

  • There are estimates of about 70-90 % of the world’s GDP being contributed by family businesses.
  • It is estimated that 90% of the private sector in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia consists of family-owned businesses.
  • Thabat programs provided by the UAE aims to doubling the contribution of family-owned businesses to the GDP by $320 Billion by 2032.


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