Research Reports

FIFA World Cup 2022

May 21 , 2013

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Executive Summary

Qatar won the honors for hosting one of the biggest sporting events in the world on Dec 2nd, 2010, when the country secured the bid to host the 2022 edition of the FIFA World Cup. Qatar will bask in the limelight during the event and is eager to represent an Arab nation that is able, modern and well-developed. The event will draw over half a million visitors to the country, which accounts for almost a third of its current population, and this huge influx is expected to impact the hospitality and infrastructure sectors directly, and the financial, communication and power sectors, indirectly.

In this report, we have tried to determine and quantify the effect of hosting the 2022 FIFA World Cup on Qatar and other regional economies -vis-à-vis impact on Vision 2030, GDP growth, infrastructure investments, FDI flow, investment in hospitality & tourism, opportunities for banking & investment sector. Additionally we enumerated the FIFA-specific investments and projects undertaken by the country. We also highlighted key risks and challenges for Qatar and what would be the Legacy Cost for hosting such an event.

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