Research Reports

B.O.T Law- What's New?

June 19 , 2014

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Executive Summary

The Government of Kuwait (GoK) owns more than 90% of the land through various entities namely the Ministry of Finance, The Ministry of Oil and The Ministry of Defense among others. In order to protect its interests and reduce costs on investors the GoK leases land to beneficiaries. Law number 07/08 commonly known as "The B.O.T Law"‚ organizes the leasing structure regarding development projects, since the ratification of the law no new projects applied mainly due to the short leasing period of maximum 40 years which is deemed unprofitable by investors. Moreover the strict project financing guidelines in the law deterred new investments. In this note we will discuss the major proposed amendments by law makers in parliament.

The paper is divided into four parts. Duration, Financing, partnership projects and Regulations


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