Research Reports

LJY - Yes We Can: FDI in Kuwait

July 23 , 2018

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Executive Summary

A research report that uses a unique case study format for providing a detailed overview of the FDI proposition in Kuwait, exploring factors like business climate, benefits, investment opportunities in key sectors, incentives, etc.


Table of Contents

  • Introducing Kuwait
  • Kuwait as an FDI Destination
  • Current Challenges Impeding FDI Flow into Kuwait
  • KDIPA ‚Äì The Game Changer?
  • Other Concerns that Kuwait has Started Addressing
  • The Current State of Policy and Regulatory Play in Kuwait vis-√†-vis Economic Diversification
  • Evidence of Support for the Private Sector
  • The Issue of Skills
  • Kuwait ‚Äì The Best Days Still Lie in the Future
  • Appendix

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